How to Create a Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Document

Table Of Content

1. Know Why Creating a Software Requirements Specification Report is Important
2. What is Software Requirements Specification (SRS)?
3. Importance of SRS Document
4. How to Create a SRS Document
4.1 Write a Summarized Project Outline
4.2 Define the Project Purpose
4.3 Describe the Type of Product
4.4 Define Specific Requirements
5. Final Words
6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Know Why Creating a Software Requirements Specification Report is Important

Before starting any software development project, you must need to gather some requirements about it. This practice is considered necessary because it lets you know what type of features and functions should be developed in the application. The details of these requirements are written down in a document called Software Requirements Specification (SRS). This document has everything related to the project, and developers do give it a first read before starting any programming work. It helps to give them some core information about the product, so that they can pick right development methods accordingly.

A lot of times, developers start working on the projects without knowing their exact requirements. This is certainly not the recommended method, because it only creates difficulties for them at the later stages. The difficult technicalities of the project do not gives them much clue how to move forward in the development process. This scenario not only wastes their time, but also crucial efforts during the whole development.

To stay out of this confusion, it is best recommended to prepare a document first that can explain everything precisely. This SRS document comes very handy in letting the developers know how to move forward in the project. Whether it is a CRM software or smartphone application, software requirements specification document works effectively well for every project. Being a developer, you should know how this document is created, as it is considered an important part of research and analysis phase.

In this article, we will discuss how to write a software requirements specification report appropriately. This will certainly be a good read for developers who are looking to work with a documented approach. Let us first start from the basics understanding what is SRS report and why it is important in software development.

What is Software Requirements Specification (SRS)?

SRS report

Software requirements specification document is specifically created to write down all the details related to a project. From early requirements to end-goals, everything is written down briefly in this document. The developers in the team are required to look into this document to understand the roadmap of the project. If they will try to work on the project without knowing its requirements, they’ll mostly probably fail at the middle of the project.

By keeping the SRS document in focus, a software development company can keep track of everything that has been done or about to be completed. The document has a specific structure and it is written by strictly following that. You cannot add various things as per your own preferences in this document. Instead, it allows you to put in only those details that are suggested in the structure. This practices makes the SRS document highly organized for reading and understanding the objectives of software projects. 

Importance of SRS Document

SRS report importance

The importance of SRS document in analyzing the goals of the project is unmatched. It provides developers a first-hand view of what is being required in the project. This gives them a lead about the process and technologies that should be used in the development. Generally, teams first conduct a session to briefly discuss the things written in the SRS document. It assists them to know how to get started, and what will be their major focus while developing the software application.

With the help of SRS document, all the development team stays on the one page. From backend programmers to QA team, everyone knows about the requirements of the project, hence they align their work according to that. It could be said that this document serves as core point of interaction for everyone. They consult about the status and goals of the project after analyzing the document. That is how SRS helps to complete the project as pre the given requirements.

How to Create a SRS Document

SRS report meeting

Now that we have studied what is software requirements specification report and why it is important, let’s move on to the next stage to understand how to write it in a professional manner. It is quite crucial to create it perfectly, because all the project details are defined in it. If you will do any mistake while writing this report, then several problems could happen during the project development.

So, it is very important to first understand how software requirements specification reports should be created. If you do not have any knowledge about it, take a look at the points given below. This will let you know how SRS report should be written in a precised format.

Write a Summarized Project Outline

The first thing that should be written in the software requirements specification report is the summarized outline of the project. It is nothing but a short description of the project that helps developers to know what this software application is all about. Some people say that the outline should also be brief, but we do not consider it to be a necessary thing. The outline should be precised and to-the-point, so that developers can easily understand the core nature of the project.

The outline of software requirements specification document will not include any technical details, as those points will be defined in detail below. Sometimes, beginners write extra stuff in the outline which only makes it look awkward. It is advised to keep the SRS outline as concise as possible, so that everyone can read and understand it properly. There is no point of writing a story like paragraph in the outline, as that does not make sense to anyone.

If you do not know how to write an outline for SRS report, take a look at few examples how others have written for their projects. This will assist you to have some idea how project outline should be written precisely.

Define the Project Purpose

After writing the outline, it is now time to define the project purpose briefly in the introduction. This is the part where you will give a brief explanation about the product. All the developers always pay attention to this part because it provides them a short idea about the overall application. Based on this information, they further proceed in the brainstorming session. Hence, the purpose in the introduction should be written with a focused approach, so that the dev team can take better understanding from it.

The purpose should always include those points that can defined the usefulness of the product, such as intended use. Your introduction should define why the application is needed and what difference it will make for the customers. This is a crucial point because it lets the developers know about the uniqueness of the software product. It gives them an idea about the needed features that can make the application useful for the targeted clients.

Similarly, the scope of the project should also be defined in the same part. It will include the goals, objectives and core benefits of the application. It is important for the development team to also read the project purpose, as that helps to determine what the application is all about. This would rather look like a client-centric part, but it will still be very useful for the team of developers.

Describe the Type of Product

Next thing that will be defined in SRS document is the type of product that you are going to build. It is an information that will let everyone know about the nature of the project. Sometimes, people remain in ambiguity before starting to work on any project. It is quite important to clear that confusion, so that every person in the development team can come on the same page. If people will work having uncleaned questions in mind, then they will fail to understand the requirements of the project, as well as why it is needed by clients.

The product description should also include information about the version of software application. For instance, if you are building a brand new ERP software system, then all of its details will be written and discussed accordingly. Similarly, if your product is getting an update, then the report will highlight the specific features that are getting updated. This makes the document to-the-point, letting everyone know what type of project is under development.

Furthermore, if you want to include additional information in this part, then you could also discuss the operating systems suggested for this application. Nowadays, software products are generally built for multiple platforms, so that everyone can use them. You can include this data in the third part as well, provided you are writing all the information cleanly.

Define Specific Requirements

After describing the product type, you must now need to list requirements in the report. This will give everyone a clear understanding about those things that are needed in the project. The requirements can be listed in two categories as well to make things easy for developers. This will include two sections i.e. functional and non-functional requirements. Both of these this must be understood clearly by the development team, as they come very handy in later stage of the project.

The functional requirements are directly related to those that help any software system to function properly. These requirements can also be understood as the core requirements of the project that should be fulfilled under all circumstance. If these requirements are not met, then the project will be considered incomplete no matter how much work has been done.

On the other hand, non-functional requirements are also important. They are not related to the operations of software, but how it is working in the real world. The means that performance, security and quality assurance are included in this category, hence the development team must also need to keep an eye on them as well.

Final Words

That takes us to the end of this article in which we have discussed about software specification requirements document in detail. This is a very crucial report for the development team in terms of defining the requirements, objectives and goals of the project. They look at it time to time, so that everything in the project can be developed as per the requirements of the report. That is the reason why developers must need to understand it properly in order to build the required application perfectly.

Meanwhile, if you are looking for a company that can help you develop different types of application software, get in touch with us today. We have plenty of experience in developing these software applications rightly as per the custom demands.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is software requirements specification (SRS) document?
Software requirements specification (SRS) document carries all the details related to the software project. It describes all the requirements to the developers, so that they can work on the application as per the given demands.
2. Why creating software requirements specification report is important?
Creating software requirements specification report is highly important. It helps developers in understanding the requirements of the project. Furthermore, it simplifies development by structuring tasks various tasks in different stages.
3. How to create software requirements specification report?
To create software specification requirements report, you will need to first write the outline and purpose of the project. Then, you have to list down all the project requirements in a detailed manner, so that developers can understand them properly.
4. How to create SRS report for mobile applications?
The structure of SRS report for mobile applications is also quite similar to other projects. It includes purpose of the project, requirements and goals defined briefly. Being a developer, you must need to write and understand this report correctly to build the relevant mobile app properly.
5. How long should be an SRS report?
The length of SRS report depends on the project details discussed in the document. If the project is simple, then SRS report will be short. However, if the project is lengthy covering multiple technicals aspects, then SRS report can go a bit long.