Top 6 Software Development Trends Used Nowadays

Table Of Content

1. Latest Software Development Trends in 2023 – Key Advancements to Know About
2. Importance of Emerging Trends in Software Development
3. Latest Software Technology Trends You Need to Watch Out
4. Best Software Development Trends for Web Applications
4.1. Rapidly Rising Cloud Computing Trends
4.2. No-code and Low-Code Software Development
5. Best Software Development Trends For Startups
5.1. Creative Artificial Intelligence Trends Ramping Up
5.2. Mobile Software Development with Microservices Architecture Improving Deployment
6. Best Software Development Trends for Mobile Applications
6.1. IoT Expanding Its Avenues
6.2. IT Project Outsourcing Becoming a Popular Mode of Business
7. Latest Software Development Tools And Technologies
8. Conclusion
9. FAQs

After a brief slump in 2020 caused by the unpredictable element of the pandemic, the global IT world is quickly exceeding its pre-pandemic levels. In many ways, the modern software development trends have helped the world emerge from the quicksand of economic upheaval. They have transformed how businesses are managed, and brought about a new era of IT-enabled companies to flourish.

Today, IT and software development is helping society in truly new and exciting ways. From helping hospitals monitor patients remotely, to transforming businesses digitally by building no-code websites and apps, the software development world is truly paving the way for the post-pandemic world.

So now that you know the importance of software development, the question arises, what are the top trends in development nowadays? Moreover, how can you use them for your own project?

Let’s take a look at some of these top trends that could help a custom software development agency create a truly innovative and robust product.

software developer working

Software development is a highly comprehensive field, offering a variety of options to develop projects, according to what suits their skills and business needs. At different times, there are different technologies and methodologies that are popular in the industry.

These trends guide the software development industry according to the demands of the market, thus providing a path for businesses to create what the consumers expect of them. For example, in recent years, mobile-first development has become a popular trend in the tech world. That is because that smartphones have become more common nowadays, especially as the primary device for people. And the consumers expect that anything that they might browse via their computers would be available on their smartphones too.

Now, we are never going to recommend following every trend in the market. However, the more popular ones, they are the ones that you should try to emulate.

Now that we know the importance of following tried-and-true industry trends, let’s look at some of the most popular software development trends used by developers nowadays.

Now, these trends could be in many forms, such as popular software testing tools and techniques, UI design tips, or even the type of app produced. So, when we talk about trends, it doesn’t always refer to the techniques used. It could be anything that affects the software product, be it tools, techniques, or even best practices.

The dynamics of web development is quickly changing, and as a developer, you need to know about them. By using latest software development tools and technologies, you can take a strong lead over the competitors and can outclass their presence in the market.

Here are some of the best practices that are quickly becoming popular in the development circuit these days.

 Cloud computing

Cloud computing has recently seen a great rise in popularity, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Remote work saw a sudden boom, and that brought about a demand for cloud computing, from storage to shared services and resources.

Since then, businesses have found that the flexibility offered by cloud computing to streamline and upgrade their work software development processes is unprecedented. So businesses who failed to capitalize on that during the pandemic, are now looking for development teams and professionals who can help them incorporate cloud technology into their systems.

Moreover, cloud computing also highlighted the benefits it has over traditional processes, as those using cloud services were able to downgrade easily when business was down. This meant reduced resource cost, because the system was able to scale back when needed, and prevented the businesses from incurring losses and going under.

That is why it is a popular software development trend that can be seen in all manners of software projects, from web and mobile, to even desktop and IoT applications.

No-code and Low-Code Software Development

For the most part, most businesses at equivalent levels have similar software development standards. That means that a corner florist or sandwich shop has the same goal for their website – a simple website that establishes their online identity.

In that case, having to design each of these two websites completely from scratch is asking for trouble. That is because according to studies, nearly half of all IT projects undertaken face setbacks and challenges. And that can result in increased costs. For a small business, that may be completely out of the question. So what are they to do then?

Well, in recent years, the development world has been quickly promoting low code/no code software development. This type of development results in quicker, easier, and more robust software products using trending software development languages. Take the many website builders available online. These products allow those with little to no development experience to create entire websites, just by dragging and dropping the desired visual and functional features and connecting them together.

Moreover, according to KPMG, businesses who have incorporated a low-code platform into their processes have reported a positive return on investment a 100% of the time. So that makes low-code and no-code options a great investment for businesses.

We all know how difficult it is for tech startups to build a name for themselves in the market. This is something that can be only achieved by following latest data science trends that are getting popularity in the market. Besides them, there are many AI and other DevOps trends that should be followed as well.

Let’s take a quick look at them below.

AI robot

According to expert estimates, the global artificial intelligence market is expected to grow to exponentially and reach the $500 billion mark by 2024 . Today, we can see that nearly every industry is using AI/machine learning in one form or the other. Moreover, there are AI-based tech and gadgets even at our homes.

During COVID-19, many businesses started adopting AI-solutions for their businesses, thus accelerating the adoption, a trend that is expected to continue in the coming years. That shows that businesses now understand the value of AL and ML in improving and streamlining their processes, and are researching how to hire a software developer or agency to integrate or create an artificially intelligent system into their workflow.

The reason Ai is so popular is that it helps reduce cost by boosting the efficiency of the system, while lowering the rate of errors. Moreover, it also allows businesses, such as banks, to offer a highly personalized experience so widely demanded by consumers.

Similarly, AI and ML is also quite popular in healthcare software development. As of 2021, over 90% of hospitals in the USA had an AI-system in place. This is a tremendous leap from 37% in 2019, boosted by the pandemic and the rising need for robust and error free systems.

This makes it one of the most important software development trend you could follow.

Mobile Software Development with Microservices Architecture Improving Deployment

Microservices architecture is a popular usage of the cloud networks, with estimates saying that the CAGR for microservices architecture will exceed 25% by 2026, adding around $1.6 billion to the industry. Now, you might be wondering what the microservices architecture is.

Well, it is a new approach to software development. Previously, the old architecture, called the monolithic architecture, worked by combining all the processes of an app and running them together as a single entity, or service. That meant that changing or modifying even a single application meant changing the entire app.

Microservices architecture uses cloud microservices to form different modules for individual services. These modules use an API to communicate with each other, and changing one doesn’t require us changing the whole app. This makes it

This agile approach allows us to scale and manage the app better, by addressing individual modules without affecting the rest of the functionality. Moreover, it also allows for reusing the same service modules for other applications, without having to rewrite the microservice entirely. That is what makes this a highly popular part of many software development frameworks used for web apps and IoT development.

When it comes to developing mobile apps, you should know about latest software technologies and application security trends. Both of these things are important to develop a new-age application that is demanded in the market.

Besides them, there are some other practices as well that are defined here. Let’s take a look at them below.

IoT Expanding Its Avenues

 IoT interconnectivity example

IoT is another example of a software development trend that has now become a necessity for many industries. IoT, or internet of things, is a technology that allows for the creation of a complete, interconnected environment. This means that IoT has great applications for the smart home concept, a technology that is quickly becoming popular with the advent of the Google Home and other such devices.

Moreover, it isn’t just the smart home where IoT has useful applications. Industries like manufacturing, farming, healthcare, and more are seeing huge benefits for the early adopters. Farmers have the ability to manage and monitor individual areas of their farms remotely, and at any time, via the IoT sensors and systems installed on their land.

In the healthcare industry, the rising trend of wearable technology with sensors embedded within is allowing people to monitor and manage their health, from their heart rate, to blood oxygen levels, blood pressure, and more. That data, if collected by the doctor, can be useful in creating a proactive treatment approach, which could aid early diagnosis and quicker treatments.

Apple came up with an innovative application for the IoT in the form of the Apple Air Tags. These small devices are trackable, and can be used help you track your parcels and more. Recently, people have also been using them as a way of tracking their lost luggage during flights, with many people now putting these Air Tags in their bags before boarding. Moreover, it has been a resounding success, with many of these travelers successfully tracking their lost luggage, hours and sometimes days before the airline could.

These and many other applications make IoT one of the top software development trends for small businesses that are looking for growth.

Outsourcing – once the bane of many industries. Today however, outsourcing has opened up new avenues for businesses to expand and grow, allowing them to choose from a wider pool of international talent to create and manage their systems.

One of the most popular forms of outsourcing, is IT project outsourcing. Software development is necessary for businesses today, especially if they want their company to compete and grow. But for many businesses, hiring an in-house team of software developers may not be the most ideal choice. That is where software development outsourcing comes in.

Outsourcing allows you to hire a professional software development company to create your business software solution. Now, instead of hiring your own technical teams, something that may require capital that your business may not be able to spare, you can hire someone else to do it for you for a fraction of that price. And not just anyone – someone who is experienced in creating robust software solutions for businesses within your industry.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the global business community saw that there was a need for an online presence. Many of those businesses had little to no digital presence, not even a website. At that time, outsourcing allowed them to find software developers within their budgets to create powerful websites and web apps for them, helping them survive that economic crunch.

Software outsourcing has become a great business trend, and many software development agencies, especially in Eastern Europe, Asia, and Africa are offering valuable and quality tech services at a fraction of the cost in the US.

Latest Software Development Tools And Technologies

As a developer, you should have sound knowledge about latest software development tools and technologies. It helps to not only enhance your skills, but also get more opportunities in the development industry.

If you are a beginner who do not know much about the trending software development tools and technologies, take a look at the brief list given below.

  • Python
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Angular
  • React
  • Vue.js
  • WordPress
  • Magento
  • Swift
  • Laravel


In short, many software development trends are popular nowadays. Some are already quite extensively used in the industry, and are now considered norms. However, a few like IoT are still being adopted, with new industries experimenting on how these trends can be used to scale and streamline their internal work processes.

However, if you are looking to develop a software for your business, and want to know what technologies and trends are currently successful in the market, this is the perfect place for you to start your journey. Using these popular software development techniques won’t just make your project a success now; it will also help prepare it for the future.


1. What are some new trends in software development technologies?
Being a software developer, you need to know about all the technologies that are becoming popular in the market. Some of the most trending development technologies today, include:
– Containerization
– Web3
– Blockchain
– Metaverse
2. What are the latest trends in software development?
Just like DevOps in recent years, a few new trends are slowly rising through the ranks in the industry.
– AIOps/MLOps – Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning for IT operations
– Spatial computing
– Low-code vs high-code skills
3. What is the future of software development?
The future of software development lies in automation, where the technologies of IoT, AI and ML are working to automate operational tasks for error-free and quick turnarounds.
4. What are the benefits of using modern software development tools?
There are many benefits of using modern software development tools. Apart from offering quality, they allow you to do different development tasks quicker. Similarly, they also allow you to scale and customize code easily whenever needed.
5. How can software developers adapt to the changing technology landscape?
It is quite important for software developers to enhance their skills according to the changing tech landscape. They can do that by keeping a strong view on the latest trends and technologies that are coming into the market.
6. How can software developers stay ahead of software development trends?
To stay ahead of the trends, developers need to find gaps where the technology is still searching for answers. That is how they can get the knowledge about what is coming and how to prepare for it.
7. What are the best practices for developing software applications?
To develop an effective software application, you need to follow some set of rules. It includes market research, process evaluation, tech tools selection, smart project execution and few more others.
8. What are the most important software development trends to watch in 2023?
It is being said that software development will witness different new trends in 2023. Some of them that are anticipated to go big in the market includes:
– AI-powered software apps
– IoT development
– VR-powered development
– Blockchain development
9. What are the most popular software development languages?
Today, developers can work with different types of programming languages. However, the best among them includes:
– Java
– Python
– React
– Angular
– Swift
10. What are the advantages of using cloud-based software development?
Cloud-based software development provides tons of benefits to the relevant companies. It incorporates everything at one place, allowing end users to easily access and store data efficiently on the applications.